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Budget Input for Draft 2024-2025 Budget Now Open

The draft budget for the 2024-2025 fiscal year has been completed. The draft budget is up for public comment until July 31st. There will be a public hearing on August 15th, 2024. The public hearing will be followed by a regular board meeting where the board can vote to approve the draft budget. 

A copy of the draft budget is on file at the district office and a copy of the draft budget and a draft summary of the four-year budget plan will be furnished to any person who calls upon the district for it.

Submit comments to

The F-195 is the official school district budget document and is required to be filed with the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) on an annual basis. The budget includes estimated revenues, estimated expenditures, and estimated fund balances for each fund for prior year actual expenditures and the current and prior years' budgets.  The F-195 also includes total salary amounts, full-time equivalents and non-employee related expenses by object and activity or each program as well as levy information.

Submit Comments on the budget to the

Contact Us

Director of Business Services
Marci Bannan
(360) 893-6500 x4030
Payroll Manager
Myra Andrews
(360) 893-6500 x4029
Payroll Specialist
Tracey Regier 
(360) 893-6500 x4046
Accounts Payable and Purchasing Coordinator
Jessica Doty
(360) 893-6500 x4032
Accounts Payable and Accounting Specialist
Colleen Flanagan
(360) 893-6500 x4038