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Orting High School

Orting High School

The main sections of Orting High School (OHS) were built in 1986. That's What Friends Are For was the top song and gas was $.86. OHS had about 250 students at the time. Today, we are sitting at just under 900 students and we have the same amount of science, technology and career technical education labs as we did in 1986. This is grossly insufficient to prepare our students for the type of jobs and industry they will face after high school. With the addition in the 2000s, OHS is built to house 600 students. We project to have over 1,100 students by 2026 and the time to act is now.

OHS Remodel map

Included in the 2023 bond is a first phase of a new OHS. As they share the same campus as OPS currently, this bond will result in the high school having the entirety of that campus after 2026. This will add much needed room to grow and allow for parking and other infrastructure to be constructed. The first phase will add permanent capacity for about 250 students and include science, technology and maker space that will significantly enhance our Career and Technical Education offerings. We will also add a new gymnasium space that replaces our main gym built in 1978 and our wrestling room built in 1955. As future growth occurs, additional phases will be added to put all of our students together under one roof in a more secure campus.

Other Projects

In addition to the three main school projects, this bond will provide for the replacement of the turf at Cardinal Stadium which has been past its useful life since 2008. The stadium will also receive new track surface and added lighting all in the summer of 2023. Friday night lights in the fall of 2023 will have a new look and feel. If funds permit, we aim to add HVAC improvements at Orting Middle School and an additional outdoor basketball court for middle level students.