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Ptarmigan Ridge Elementary

Ptarmigan Ridge Elementary

Ptarmigan Ridge (PTR) represents our newest elementary school, built about 20 years ago in the early 2000s. This facility was designed to accommodate the growth in the 90s from our newer neighborhoods and was built to house 460 students. We now have 660 students at PTR and have far outgrown our permanent space. Similar to OPS, this results in traffic congestion, lack of parking, full classrooms, lack of infrastructure like restrooms and lunchroom space and limited room for music and P.E. specialists.

PTR Expansion

In this bond, we will address these concerns by constructing six additional classrooms, added food service space and a new gymnasium. Additionally, we envision playground improvements to add space and drainage and improvements to our parking and ingress/egress. Our Board of Directors is adament that we have parity among our elementary schools. As such, there will be updates to safety/security, technology, furniture, new carpet and some fresh coats of paint so this facility looks and feels new and sets us up for future growth.