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Employee Accident and Injury



Work Injury Flow Chart

To better understand how the work injury process works click here


Injured Worker Frequently Asked Questions 

The Orting School Board recognizes that safety and health standards should be incorporated into all aspects of the operations of the District. Accidents and Injuries must be reported to your supervisor, Human Resources Department, and Puget Sound Workers' Compensation Trust (PSWCT) immediately. To better understand how the work injury process works click here. 

If you have an on-the-job injury, once you are stabilized, you must report the injury to your supervisor and then immediately seek help to file a workers' compensation claim by calling our Puget Sound Workers’ Compensation Trust (PSWCT): Nurse Triage Line at 1-833-928-6877. We added this phone calling option so a nurse can give you information and instructions on how to proceed if you need medical attention, and to also provide you with a support person who can start your claim process. When seeking medical attention please notify the healthcare provider of the claim provider (PSWCT) and your claim number to avoid billing concerns. 

In some places, the State of Washington, Labor, and Industries (L & I) Workers’ Compensation program handles the claims, but all accident and injury (workers’ compensation) claims for Orting School District are administered through Puget Sound Workers' Compensation Trust (PSWCT).

There is a process for submitting an Accident/Incident Report. Whether you choose to seek medical attention or not you are required to submit an Accident/Incident Report. If you would prefer not to call the Nurse Line, you may call Holly Mortenson in Human Resources instead to receive information on how you can file online.  Once your injury claim has been received by PSWCT, it will be forwarded to your supervisor for review and completion.

When to submit a claim
Submitting your claim via phone and obtaining a claim number before seeking medical treatment is always best. However, if your injury requires immediate medical attention, submitting your claim and obtaining a claim number can certainly be done after treatment is received in emergency situations. 

After completing the online claim process, PSWCT will email you your claim number and any additional information you may need to navigate the process.

For specific claim questions after filing, please contact your claims adjuster with Puget Sound Workers' Compensation Trust at 253-778-7667 or the district contact: Holly Mortenson at or (360) 893-6500 Ext. 4037



Contact Us

Executive Director for Human Resources 
Debi Christensen
(360) 893-6500 x4028
Human Resource Generalist
Carrie Joy
(360) 893-6500 x4049
Supporting: OES, OHS, Central Office, Nutrition Services, Coaches, Certificated Substitutes, Student-Teacher/Practicum/Intern placements
Human Resources Generalist
Holly Mortenson
(360) 893-6500 x4037
Supporting: PTR, OMS, Facilities, Transportation, SSS Itinerants, Stipends, Classified Substitutes, Workers' Compensation (employee on the job injuries)